Borough of Dukla, Krosno District, Podkarpackie VoivodshipType of place
A Jewish cemetery in Dukla (probably the “new” cemetery).Information about the crime
There are two Jewish cemeteries in Dukla, so-called “new” and “old” ones. The first burials on the old cemetery are dated to the 18th century, while the new one was founded in the second half of the 19th century. During the German occupation cemeteries in Dukla became killing sites and the places of mass burials of the local Jews.
Documents quoted below do not specify on which of the two cemeteries victims of the Holocaust were buried. In 1942-43 the following murders were committed – their victims to this day rest on the cemeteries in Dukla:
On 12 February 1942 eleven people were murdered – their bodies were buried in a grave which measured 3 metres by 1 metre. The following people were killed: Chaim Spira, Majer Rechtschufen, Tyla Freis, Izrael Fries, Zimerspitz, Izak Gutwirt, Feitel Stein, Naftali Stein (32 years old), Moses Zehngut (48 years old) and two children of unknown names.
On 28 March 1943 eight people were murdered, all of them from Dukla. Their bodies were buried in a mass grave: Helena Zajdel, Braja Piotr, Dawid Krill, Józef Krill, Jakub Krill, Jankiel Altholz, Izrael Altholz, Benek Scherer.
In 1943 a Jewish woman called Ritter (30 years old) who lived in Dukla was shot on the so-called Meadows (Łąki). Her body was buried on a Jewish cemetery (IPN BU 2448/861.)
On the 28th of July 2014, an inspection of the old and new Jewish cemeteries in Dukla was carried out (GPS: the new cementary N49°32’53.8″E21°41’04.0″, the old cementary N49°32.518”E 21°41.386′). The site loaction took place without the presence of a witness or witnesses.
No GPR surveys have been conducted.
An aerial photography query was conducted for this area, which resulted in the acquisition of aerial photo dated for 4th of July 1944. Visible ground disturbances in the Northwest, west and eastern parts of the old cemetery.
The LIDAR survey result draws attention to two clear ground disturbances locted on the new cemetery.

Contact and cooperation
We are still looking for information on the identity of the victims and the location of Jewish graves in Poturzyn. If you know something more, write to us at the following address: fundacjazapomniane@gmail.com.
IPN BU 2448/861, Archival materials.
IPN GK 163/34, Questionnaire about mass executions and mass graves.
IPN Rz 191/149, Questionnaires of the Chief Commission for the Examination of German Crimes in Poland. Executions. Krosno district.
IPN Rz 191/195, k. 4-8, The Regional Commission for the Examination of German Crimes in Rzeszów, Register of places and facts of crimes of German crimes from the Krosno district.
IPN Rz 191/311, Labor camp in Dukla. Krosno district, the Regional Commission for the Examination of Crimes against the Polish Nation, The Institute of National Remembrance in Rzeszów.